13 Oct 20

Supply chain sustainability and modern slavery business plan

Supply chain sustainability and modern slavery business plan

By Kate Skattang, Executive Lead - Australia and New Zealand 

Sustainability and modern slavery have become buzzwords amongst supply chain professionals in recent years. Companies have become motivated to tackle environmental and sustainability issues in their supply chains for a variety of reasons, whether motivated by changing legislation, pressure from NGOs, changing consumer expectations, or having been ‘named and shamed’ in media organisations.

With the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in the UK and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 in Australia, companies who have turnover over a certain threshold - £35mil and $100mil AUD respectively – are now required to produce an annual statement on how they identify and mitigate modern slavery risk in their global supply chains.

Read full blog here: https://blog.stateofflux.co.uk/blog/supply-chain-sustainability-and-modern-slavery-business-plan


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