Supporting our clients supplier management during Coronavirus challenges
We recognise the challenge that COVID-19 brings to you and your organisation, especially and your supply chain. We know a lot of our clients and organisations are working hard to mitigate these risks.
However, from our research we see that often the focus is on your own organisation, and it is forgotten that what is affecting you is also affecting your suppliers and their supply chains as well. From our data, we believe the next three months could be difficult for supply chains, possibly longer. You can view a recent video of Alan Day our CEO and Founder discussing this here – Watch the video
We understand that a number of your workforce will now be working remotely. To aide this, we have:
Moved all our training delivery to web-based classrooms to allow our clients to access this from their home or office
Where applicable, moved project meetings to on-line meetings
Given our staff the choice to work remotely or in their local State of Flux office depending on their preferences. When they are on client projects, we mirror our clients policies for office and/or remote working during this period
Conducting all Voice of the Supplier activities by remote survey and interviews will be phone or web-based
To have visibility of your suppliers and how they are dealing with risk and continuity of supply, means focusing on having good supplier management in place.
Given that face-to-face interaction during this challenging period will be difficult, it will be critical to use technology to remotely manage your strategic or high-risk suppliers. To help with this, we are offering SupplierBase, our supplier management technology to be used for free over the next 3 months to those new clients that need to manage their key suppliers in a structured, holistic way.
Also to help you check how good your supplier management processes are, we have opened up our annual supplier management survey ( and will provide you a free benchmark upon completion.
To discuss your supplier management contact us here