Supplier relationship management (SRM) and supplier performance management (SPM) diagnostic

We undertake a detailed diagnostic of your current SRM or SPM programme, comparing it against your industry peers and wider best practice. This is used not simply to have a ‘must do better’ diagnosis, but to build a detailed improvement plan with input from our subject matter experts. Through the diagnostic, you build and validate your SRM or SPM value proposition and business case.
We conduct an SRM or SPM diagnostic tailored to your specific needs and budget. No matter how mature your approach to SRM or SPM, we identify strengths and areas for potential improvement. We also support the change management and implementation delivery.

Voice of the supplier

Our voice of the supplier analysis provides an insight into how your organisation is perceived by your key suppliers. It enables you to understand your strengths and weaknesses as a customer of choice.
Conducted as a standalone activity or as part of a wider SRM diagnostic, the model asks your suppliers to rate the quality of the relationship they have with your organisation and compare it with the relationships they have with other customers (who could be your major competitors).
We work closely with you to develop the appropriate online survey question set, to get the information you need to develop your customer of choice strategy. We manage the full survey process, including targeted interviews to ‘drill down’ into the issues highlighted by the survey; a full analysis of results and feedback; support for strategy development; and implementation.
Learn more on how gathering feedback from your suppliers helps you achieve customer of choice benefits.

Voice of the business

Our voice of the business analysis provides an insight into how well the key stakeholders in your organisation understand SRM or SPM, its potential value and alignment to their needs. Again conducted as a standalone activity or as part of a wider SRM or SPM diagnostic, the model asks your stakeholders to provide honest feedback in a number of areas, including what they think about SRM or SPM now, what it should be focusing on in the future and what it will take to secure their support.
We help you to get the information you need to develop an SRM or SPM approach that will engage stakeholders and gain their support.

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